Monday, 21 August 2017

The Most Dangerous Dogs kills Anybody

The Most Dangerous Dog kills Anybody

Most Dangerous Dogs

Dogs are the most faithful animals in the world, so the dogs become iconic symbols of loyalty. But behind the loyalty it turns out the dog can be more savage than animals in the forest. When the dog is angry being sick, the dog may just prey on you at any time. Following some dangerous dogs that prey on people:

#1. PitBull Dog "SAPI"
pitbull The Most Dangerous Dog kills Anybody

This dog pounces on its owner to death. While being engrossed in playing with a doll next to a dog cage, the dog suddenly pounces on this little girl to death. This incident took place in eastern Java a month ago.

#2. Crazy Elephant Dog
Elephant dog - The Most Dangerous Dog kills Anybody
Crazy elephant dog. Kills off the 13-year-old when he comes home from school

#3. Small Terrier Dog
Terrier dog - The Most Dangerous Dog kills Anybody

Biting a 3-year-old baby to death. Sunderland, England

#4. Dog Sport
dog sport The Most Dangerous Dog kills Anybody

When you are walking with your pet, make sure your dog is in good condition and not stress. Kareja if the dog is stressed or angry could have pounced on your path.

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