Sunday, 17 September 2017

6 Tips diet to avoid diabetes during pregnancy

6 Tips diet to avoid diabetes during pregnancy

6 Tips diet to avoid diabetes during pregnancy

img source:Just For Hearts

Pregnant diabetics should pay attention to health and blood sugar levels more regularly. No need to worry about the health of mothers and children if Tips diet to avoid diabetes during pregnancy is applied.

Pregnancy has become a challenge for mothers. Especially if the prospective mother was diabetic, either type 1 or diabetic type 2. In addition to having to deal with changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, pregnant women with diabetes should also be careful in monitoring and be controlling blood sugar levels alone.

If before and during pregnancy the mother can maintain and control blood sugar well, then the chances of giving birth to a healthy baby will increase. In addition, the possibility of other problems caused by diabetes or worsening the condition of diabetes during pregnancy was reduced.

Why should blood sugar levels be controlled during pregnancy?

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels in pregnant women with type 1 or 2 diabetes can cause various complications in children and pregnant women themselves. The complications include:

  • Macrosomia, ie the size of the baby's body bigger than most babies.
  • A larger baby's size increases the risk of having a normal being delivery. Pregnant women should also be induced or being delivery by cesarean section.
  • Right after being delivered, blood sugar levels in your baby will likely be very low.
  • Calcium and magnesium levels in the baby's body may not be balanced.
  • Affects the formation of small organs to cause defects of the brain, spine, heart, and nervous system.
  • Miscarriage
  • Little is born premature or died in the womb.
  • your baby has health problems soon after birth (such as heart and respiratory problems).
  • Little is at risk of obesity or diabetes in the future.
  • Pregnant women are at risk of suffering from preeclampsia (high blood pressure) disorders capable of causing seizures of strokes during labor.

6 Tips diet to avoid diabetes during pregnancy
  1. Before pregnancy, consult your doctor first to check the effects of diabetes on the body, get advice on how to keep blood sugar, change drugs (if needed), and other suggestions.
  2. While pregnant, seek medical advice frequently, from obstetricians, diet specialists, and specialists Pregnant women with diabetes should consult their physician frequently to prevent or detect problems early. Constant examination, ultrasound, blood tests, or prenatal imaging tests may be necessary to monitor fetal growth and development.
  3. Often checks the body's blood sugar levels. Pregnant makes the body needs more energy, blood sugar levels can change very quickly. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to frequently check blood sugar levels, at least three times a day to prevent sugar levels are too high or low.
  4. Consumption of drugs or insulin as recommended by a physician. do not forget to be ready for quick sugar sources such as candy or glucose tablets.
  5. Eat healthily. Doctors or diet specialists may advise or modify the foods/beverages consumed to prevent high or low blood sugar levels.
  6. Exercise at least 150 minutes/week or 30 minutes for five days a week. Before pregnant exercise, consult your doctor first. Also, always check blood sugar levels before and after exercise, especially if you use insulin.
Controlling blood sugar levels with the 6 Tips diet to avoid diabetes during pregnancy as above for a period of pregnancy and labor can run smoothly.

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